Evaluating and picking the right tool to help your research

Reading Time: 2 minutes Your copyright librarian here.  While I find all aspects of copyright fascinating, of particular interest to me is how authors, writers, composers, etc., feel about copyright and the idea of intellectual property.  I’ve been gathering massive amounts of information on this topic …Continue Reading

There is Nothing New under the Sun

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is nothing new under the sun. The more things change, the more they stay the same. It is curious that while most people will agree to the above quotes, most would also consider current events as unique to their own time. …Continue Reading

What Will Be Your Legacy

Reading Time: < 1 minute Welcome to new students and welcome back to returning students. Every month comes with designated remembrances and celebration. “What will be Your Legacy” is celebrated this month. How are you going to celebrate it? Every Bull leaves hoof prints and a legacy …Continue Reading